What the news calls economics, we call violence
Members of Mansfield Chambers believe that our world's social and economic system is inherently unjust. Whilst our economy remains dominated by capitalism our justice system is necessarily perverted by the corrupting influence of money. Our judicial system acts as no more than a sticking plaster on the gaping wounds of justice in our society.

A rally in support of the miners strike. The Conservative government's closure of the pits destroyed vast swathes of the economy in working class towns, entirely legally.
Violence in our society takes many forms, of which violence between individuals is one of the rarer types. Far worse often is the economic violence perpetrated against vast swathes of society, whether in the form of benefit cuts for the worse off done to pay for tax cuts for the richest; the removal of the right of undocumented migrants to housing, healthcare, and work to enable them to earn a living and contribute to society; or the crushing of whole communities when industries are intentionally destroyed. Throughout the work we do Mansfield Chambers fights the corner of those who suffer economic violence both at the hands of the state and of those in society with the greatest power.
Justice doesn't fall from police guns

The Birmingham Six, with Chris Mullin MP, on the day of their release. A senior judge had previously wished for the return of the death penalty so that attempts to clear their names would be brought to an end.
Economic violence is only one element of social injustice. Violence by the police is perpetrated directly on many communities, such as in the case of Mark Dugan, killed by armed police officers, and the Birmingham Six, fitted up by the notorious West Midlands Police.

Mark Duggan: The stone faced image of Mark Duggan used by the media to make him seem hard and cold, the media cut out the bottom half of this image, because it shows him holding a heart stood by his daughter's grave.
Equally, a disbelieving stance on the part of police to complaints raised by certain groups leads to those communities being effectively unprotected. The case of Stephen Lawrence, murdered by racist thugs, and whose killing was not fully investigated for years, was a prime example of this, leading the McPherson Inquiry to conclude that the Metropolitan Police are "institutionally racist". The family of Stephen Lawrence have for years been represented by Michael Mansfield QC.
Migrant Solidarity
Our members are committed to acting in solidarity with those excluded by this country's immigration policies.Members of chambers have recently been involved in advising pro bono a large British charity in relation to proposed actions to alleviate the suffering of migrants in Calais. Individual members have also raised money for and traveled to deliver aid to those people caught up in the horrific conditions of Lesbos, in Greece.
Practical Solidarity
Members of Mansfield Chambers have focussed their professional lives on those who suffer most from the injustices of our society, often taking cases on a pro bono basis where possible. Members also contribute on a personal level, volunteering their time and efforts where possible to fight for social justice.